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Code d'Examen: MB5-626
Nom d'Examen: Microsoft (C5 4.0 Programming)
Questions et réponses: 99 Q&As
Le Certificat de Microsoft MB5-626 signifie aussi un nouveau jalon de la carrière, le travail aura une space plus grande à augmenter, et tout le monde dans l'industrie IT sont désireux de l'obtenir. En face d'une grande passion pour le test Certification Microsoft MB5-626, le contrariété est le taux très faible à réussir. Bien sûr que l'on ne passe pas le test MB5-626 sans aucun éffort, en même temps, le test de Microsoft MB5-626 demande les connaissances bien professionnelles. Le guide d'étude dans le site Pass4Test peut vous fournir un raccourci à réussir le test Microsoft MB5-626 et à obtenir le Certificat de ce test. Choisissez le guide d'étude de Pass4Test, vous verrez moins de temps dépensés, moins d'efforts contribués, mais plus de chances à réussir le test. Ça c'est une solution bien rentable pour vous.
Un bon choix de l'outil à se former est le point essentiel à passer le test Microsoft MB5-626, et les documentations à propos de rechercher le test Microsoft MB5-626 est toujours une part plus importante pendant la préparation de test Certification. Les Q&As offertes par les experts de Pass4Test sont presque même que les tests réels. Pass4Test est un site web particulièrement en apportant les facilités aux gens qui veulent passer le test Certification.
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MB5-626 Démo gratuit à télécharger:
NO.1 Which of the following statements about the data manipulation window are correct?
A. You can delete data in a table
B. You cannot update (i.e. change) data in a table
C. You can add new fields to a table
D. You can cancel the deletion of data in a table so that you can have your original data again
Answer: A
Microsoft MB5-626 certification MB5-626 MB5-626
NO.2 What does the start-up parameter -S do?
A. It disconnects all users regardless of their rights so that databases can be maintained, etc. without risk
of data crashes
B. It prevents new users from logging onto the system, but does not disconnect users that are already on
the system
C. It prevents new users from logging onto the system and at the same time disconnects all users that are
already on the system
D. It disconnects all users except for users with Supervisor rights
Answer: B
Microsoft certification MB5-626 certification MB5-626 MB5-626 examen MB5-626 examen
NO.3 What rights can be allocated to tables?
A. Show, Correct, Create, Delete and Execute
B. Show, Correct, Create, Delete and Execute
C. Run (i.e. execute)
D. Edit, Run
Answer: B
Microsoft examen MB5-626 MB5-626
NO.4 Which of the following statements regarding the files C_DATA. DAT in XAL and C5DATA. DAT in C5
are correct?
A. The files contain both the demo and the default company
B. The files contain information that is common to all companies and should therefore not be deleted
C. The files contain in addition to the company data information on users, user groups, group rights
D. The files contain the default company and the associated main menu
Answer: B
Microsoft MB5-626 MB5-626
NO.5 Which of the following statements are correct when you decide to save the job under execution in the
data manipulation window?
A. When taking action, Export is saved as a QT
B. When taking action, Export is saved as an XAL jobT
C. When taking action, Import is saved as a QT
D. When taking action, Update is saved as a QT
Answer: A
Microsoft examen MB5-626 examen certification MB5-626
NO.6 Which of these statements is incorrect with regards to direct lookup (Table[Index,Search
A. A direct lookup uses the index of the table that you are looking up in
B. You can replace the comma with a double equal sign (==) in a direct lookup
C. You can look up several value using a direct lookup
D. You can replace the value in the search expression with a field or a variable
Answer: C
Microsoft examen MB5-626 examen MB5-626 examen
NO.7 Which of the followings statements are correct when as a normal user you decide during execution of
a report in the Ad hoc Report Generator to save the report in XAL/C5?
A. The report is saved in the file C_UTIL.BUS
B. The report is saved in the file C_UTIL.SYS
C. The report is saved in the file C_UTIL.USR
D. The report is saved in the file C_USER.SYS
Answer: C
Microsoft MB5-626 MB5-626 certification MB5-626
NO.8 What start-up parameters are used to start the program with a specific user?
A. -F
B. - B
C. - M
D. -U
Answer: D
certification Microsoft MB5-626 examen MB5-626
NO.9 Which of the following statements regarding rights to application elements are correct?
A. Groups can be allocated rights to view, correct, create and delete elements
B. The groups can be allocated rights to edit and execute elements
C. Passwords for the editing and execution of elements cannot be created
D. Only the Supervisor can be allocated rights to elements
Answer: B
Microsoft MB5-626 examen MB5-626 examen certification MB5-626
NO.10 Which of the following statements about the location at which you maintain list menus are incorrect?
A. In the cells of grid menus
B. In any other list menu
C. In the screen containing the local menu
D. In the development menu in the column MNX
Answer: D
Microsoft examen MB5-626 examen certification MB5-626 MB5-626 certification MB5-626 certification MB5-626
NO.11 Which of the following statements regarding local process keys are correct?
A. Local process keys have lower priority than General keys
B. Local process keys are individually defined for the individual user
C. Local process keys are local with regards to the form on which they are created
D. Local process key can only be used in the menu in which they are created
Answer: C
Microsoft MB5-626 examen MB5-626 MB5-626 MB5-626 MB5-626
NO.12 Which of the following statements about the C5 Administrators user group are correct?
A. The group C5 Administrators does not as default have full rights to the entire system
B. All users must be members of group C5 Administrators
C. As default the Supervisor is a member of the group C5Administrators
D. The group C5 Administrators cannot be allocated specific rights to application elements
Answer: C
certification Microsoft MB5-626 certification MB5-626 MB5-626 examen MB5-626 examen
NO.13 Which of the following statements about start up parameters are incorrect?
A. You can specify the location of the menu files
B. You can specify the user that is logged into the system
C. You can specify the user that is logged in
D. You can specify the data file you want to use
Answer: B
Microsoft MB5-626 certification MB5-626 MB5-626 examen
NO.14 Which of the following statements about the grid menu are incorrect?
A. The Grid menu is maintained under MNU/RET in the Development menu
B. You can create a new menu with the same functionality as the DAT menu
C. You can delete columns/rows
D. You can hide columns/rows
Answer: A
Microsoft MB5-626 certification MB5-626 MB5-626
NO.15 Which of the following statements about users and groups are correct?
A. A user can only be a member of a single group
B. A user must be a member of at least one group in order to be able to log onto the system
C. Only the user Supervisor can be a member of the group Everybody
D. You can allocate table rights to specific users
Answer: B
Microsoft examen MB5-626 examen certification MB5-626
NO.16 Which line type should be chosen to calculate numerical values in the Ad-hoc Report Generator?
Answer: C
Microsoft examen MB5-626 MB5-626 MB5-626 examen MB5-626 examen
NO.17 Which of the following statements regarding global process keys are correct?
A. If you change or delete global process keys you can always change them back by starting the program
with the start-up parameter -T
B. Global process keys have lower priority than general keys
C. Global process keys are created in the form to which the process key is to be related
D. Global process keys can be related to the process form execution
Answer: D
Microsoft examen certification MB5-626 MB5-626 MB5-626 MB5-626
NO.18 Which of the following statements about indexes are incorrect?
A. Indexes are used for the sorting of tables in reports and XAL jobs
B. Indexes are not used to control key values when creating new entries in screens and lists
C. Indexes are used for the sorting of entries in a screen
D. Indexes are used to retrieve values from a table by means of direct lookup
Answer: B
Microsoft examen MB5-626 MB5-626 MB5-626 examen
NO.19 Which of the following kernel files run using the Windows user interface?
A. C5w32.exe
B. Cxalw32c.exe
C. C5w32c.exe
D. Cxal386.exe
Answer: A
Microsoft MB5-626 examen MB5-626 examen
NO.20 Which of the following statements are incorrect with regards to layer structure (Sys, Dis, etc.)?
A. You cannot delete in the original Sys and Dis from Microsoft Business Solutions
B. You can delete in the Syp layer if you have codes for the layer
C. You can delete in the Bus and Bup layers if you have codes for the layers
D. All corrections made in the Sys and Dis layers are saved in the layer in which you are logged in with
Answer: B
certification Microsoft MB5-626 MB5-626 MB5-626 examen
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